This is a page dedicated to helpful
things I have learned from trial and error and from others who have Dysautonomia. We must be determined critters to keep ticking!
It is amazing sometimes that something so yucky and disabeling at times can be benign!! Oh well...Here goes my list:
These are in no particular order...
- Take 1/2 tsp baking soda in 1/2 cup of water at bedtime (baking soda is salt and can help raise am blood pressure.)
- 300 mg DGL licorice root in the am can help with the staring foggies...The real licorice root is better (for holding water)
but get doc approval for this stuff as it depletes potassium.
- Cold Ice water can help stave off impending grey out..Basically anything that shocks the autonomic nervous system can
buy you a few seconds.
- Stay relaxed! Anxioty will do nothing for a racing heart and all the other symptoms
- Log onto and go to the forum. Nothing spells relief like someone who understands you.
- Support hose and a girdle help with keeping the blood from pooling.
- Steady rhythmic breathing when it is bad.
- Gateraid, Gateraid and MORE gateraid.
- Shower at night. I feel terrible after showers and this way I can just go to bed.
- Give yourself lots of time and permission to slump in the am.
- Lots of salt.
- try and keep legs excersized
- fidget legs when start to feel bad.
- fill sock w/ rice and nuke it for a 1:30 minutes and put on back of neck for coathanger headaches or anywhere
else for aches.
- lay down in shower or tub (w/ shower on). Point water to the wall so it just heats up the tub and your sore muscles..Keep
air cool so you dont get grey out. This helps with the fake flu's. (use plastic bag to block drain if you dont have anything
else. If in a college dorm or something put down a towel to lay on.)
- Keep one hand on doorframes when going thru and put hand on table etc. if bending over near one. I beats running into
doorframes or bonking your head on the table.
- Listen to your body & don't push it no matter what anyone says. You know your body best.
- Medicine 90% art, 10% science...and there are bad artists in the world. Don't be afraid to fire a doctor.
- Jobs: pace yourself. Keep a schedule. No type A personalities here. Allow yourself room to feel bad.